Fragrance exploration: Background
When creating or reworking fragrances for specific products, brands and target groups it is not sufficient to know WHICH type of fragrances or fragrance themes are potential winners against others.
To optimize a fragrance and product development process it is also necessary to understand WHY specific fragrances are preferred against others and WHAT different fragrance themes communicate.
This requires a detailed understanding of the olfactory perception of a scent which implies a detailed description via extended vocabulary by normal consumers
Research Methods
Fragrance exploration: Situation
A perfumer or fragrance expert is used to identify and to describe the complexity of a fragrance character.
Real consumers are human beings: They have difficulties being conscious about what they are looking for regarding scents and fragrances and describing what they smell.
The mind & heart fragrance exploration enables consumers to talk with rich vocabulary and translates consumer language for the expert.
This helps product developers to rework their products in the right direction based on valid consumer insights.
Fragrance exploration: Possible objectives
Unlocking the unconscious and perceptual world of smell/fragrance:
A preparation for quantitative fragrance and product testing
Fragrance exploration: Methodology
Interactive approach:
Fragrance exploration: Synestesia
Connection with the other senses
Usage of a group of stimuli that allow an access to consumer’s feelings through his/ her senses in addition to the pictures: e.g. fabrics, sounds, colours, taste (needs to be thought over carefully to find the right taste examples)
Stimuli should depend on the research objectives
Fragrance exploration: Synestesia: Application -
When and what can the approach
be used for?
The described qualitative fragrance research approach is a tool for fragrance screening.
For the final selection of the right fragrance when launching a new product a quantitative fragrance testing is recommended.